Creativity is a powerful antidote to perfectionism.
Perfectionism is built upon never ending standards of efficiency, accuracy, productivity.
There’s no winning or end of the line in a perfectionistic world — there’s always more you could do, change, make, or be to be better.
Another key tool of perfectionism is making us earn our rest, joy, pleasure. It turns human needs into rewards.
And since there’s always more that could be done, we often feel like we’ve never truly “earned” the “reward.”
Which leads to shame, guilt, overachieving, burnout, exhaustion, low self worth.
Enter: Creativity.
We are all creative beings. You don’t have to be an indie filmmaker or multi media artist to be creative. Creativity is part of human nature.
Everything & anything can be creative:
🧽 That solution you figured out for how to load your dishwasher? Creativity.
🚙 That new route you drive to the store to see the trees you like & bypass the stupid intersection? Creativity.
📸 Writing an Instagram caption? Creativity.
How do creativity & perfectionism intersect?
Creativity is a validation of your present needs — whether physical, mental, artistic, spiritual, or whatever else.
*Anytime* we validate how we feel & what we need in the present, we are pushing back against perfectionism, which says your needs aren’t what’s important, & it wants you to continue after the unachievable standard of excellence.
Creativity is a way of saying “I want this thing or experience to be more functional and/or joyful for me & I deserve that.”
What a powerful *fuck you* to perfectionism.
Your business & social media are a form of creativity.
Perfectionism will cut in with all the ways it says you should do things.
Saying yes to your creativity is a way to reclaim who you are.