the anti • perfect low • energy blog
If Over & Over I'm Not Getting Anything "Done" ... What's My Purpose?
"Who are we when we aren’t doing?" - Joel Leon Contrary to what we are indoctrinated with by our society… You are more than your job. You...
One Thing My Ex Did I'm Thankful For
My ex was the first person to point out to me that I might have PTSD… We were grocery shopping and I honestly don’t remember what exactly...
Perfectionism Doesn't Care About You
Perfectionism doesn’t care about your wellbeing. Perfectionism wants you to sacrifice your wellbeing in the pursuit of what it has deemed...
We Need More Daydreaming.
"Art + creation is 90% daydreaming. Knowing that + supporting that is the key to everything.” I didn’t come up with this quote — it...
Watering Houseplants
How to tell if your plant is ready to be watered: Check the soil. Absolutely most important! If the top of the soil is dry, stick your...
Windows + Light for Houseplants
Plants need light. They need light. Light is needed by plants. Plants need light. Say it with me: Plants. Need. Light. Each window is...
Getting Your Houseplant Set Up
Pots: #1 rule for your pots, especially if you're still mastering the basics, is to have a drainage hole! Many nursery pots (the plastic...
Succulents vs Foliage
In general, the houseplants we buy can be grouped into these two categories, which tell us a lot about how the plant likes to be cared...
Maintaining Your Plants + Warning Signs
Best Practices for Ongoing Maintenance: The goal is for plants to gradually become a natural part of your everyday routine, especially...
8 Steps to Success with Houseplants
1. Choose window and evaluate: Window direction (North, South, East, West) Access to the sky/sun for plant Any blockages (like trees) 2....
I Need the Same Support for My Business that I Offer My Clients.
Yesterday was a what the fuck, big feels, sacred rage, everything is pissing me off kind of vibe. I forget every year it’s coming but...