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what is creative differences?

A 5 month container for creatives, entrepreneurs, and low energy creators who are wanting to talk about the widely skipped over topics in business while receiving support to build sustainable creativity in their lives. 


We created Creative Differences to talk about the nuances of creativity and entrepreneurship. We realized that there wasn't really a program out there designed for people like us— low energy, neurodivergent, and looking for a new way to do things.


There is a lot of pressure to do things a certain way in your business and have it all figured out. Especially when you first get started. We designed Creative Differences to hold compassionate space for doing things a different way for brains that work a little differently.



Over the 5 months (20 weeks total) you will be supported by mentors Meg + Kendall to discuss:

  • Your Creative Process

  • Personal + Professional Values 

  • Mental Health in Entrepreneurship & Creativity

  • Intuitive Practices + Creativity 

  • Ethics as a Socially Conscious Entrepreneur + Creative

  • Business Ecosystem Building 

  • MisMarketing + Compassionate Marketing Methods 

  • Launching + Backend Support

  • Plus anything that comes up for you and you need space held for.


We will be going over the best parts of these topics and some of the more uncomfortable ones such as:

  • Removing the Authority/Absolute from Self Awareness Tools + understanding your Creative Process overall

  • Commitment to Values across the board in your business

  • Mental health and having an online presence

  • Understanding your intuition when you struggle with mental health

  • Gaining a deeper understanding for harm reduction and the place it has in entrepreneurship

  • Why creating an offer suite can be hindering you

  • Toxic Marketing Practices and Strategies 

  • Why the traditional launch model doesn't work for most of us

  • Why most backend systems aren't always optimized for your support


What do we cover?


That doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of talking about and more often than not, these are the types of conversations we seek out from our peers and community. 


Creative Differences has been a work in progress for over a year and a cohort now to ensure that we would be providing the most supportive experience for other entrepreneurs by including the conversations that we feel are largely ignored by the online business and creative communities. 

One of the reasons this experience is so unique is because this program does not provide solvable solutions-- these topics aren’t often talked about in other programs or courses because they don’t come with clear solutions. 


who is cd for?

  • for new entrepreneurs looking to build a sustainable and low energy friendly business from the ground up

  • for anyone who is going through a pivot or a restructure or rebuild in their business

  • for anyone who is looking for a place to talk about all of the things they’re experiencing in entrepreneurship

  • who is tired, regardless of whether or not you are low energy. You’re just tired and you’re tired of doing things the way they are

the structure of cd


  • Access to the Spring 2022 Cohort on Mighty Networks 

  • Access to All Course Materials Created by Kendall + Meg 

  • 10 LIVE Group Calls + Access to Recordings 

    • 8 structured calls + 2 open calls​

  • Supplemental Resources & Guidance in between calls

  • Additional Self Awareness Tools + Personality Profiling Resources

  • Access to a GroupChat on Mighty Network

  • Pricing is $1500 for the 5 month group


The Mighty Network Cohort will always be active and you will always be able to message us on Mighty Networks. After the program is finished, we will remain active in the group for the following 8 weeks, and then we will no longer be active members.



1:1 upgrade option


  • Everything included above plus:

  • 2- 75 minute calls with Kendall

  • 2- 75 minute calls with Meg

  • 5 Month Voxer Access with Kendall*

  • Business Support for Backend- 1 Month Voxer Access with Meg*

  • 2 Breathwork + Regulation Sessions- 1 pre call to discuss tools, 1 session

  • Custom Human Design + Astrology + Enneagram Readings

  • Pricing is $4500 for 1:1 Upgrade Option


*All Voxer Access is to be used during the program or the following 8 weeks and our Voxer access is available M-F regular business hours. We recommend you use your Voxer time with Meg to work on any backend systems or questions you may have.


Kendall + Meg have both shut down their personal 1:1 mentoring programs to focus on supporting people through Creative Differences through a 1:1 option. This option will allow you to receive the general structure included below BUT you will also be able to have both Kendall and Meg in your business helping you create something that really works for you. 


We work incredibly well together and the ways in which we can offer support with this option feels best. We will be able to support all of our clients in a much more sustainable and benefecial way that supports us all. 


We each have unique strengths and gifts and abilities to hold space for different topics which makes this program really unique because you get 2 mentors individually, plus a group of people to meet with for support and conversation and community. 



Pricing for creative differences

General Support: 

$1500 for 5 month group


Payment plans starting at $125 monthly.



1:1 Upgrade Option:

$4500 for 5 month group + 1:1 support


Payment plans starting at $375 monthly.



Payment plans available in 5, 10, + 12 month installments for both options.


If none of these options feel comfortable for you, please email Meg at to discuss what works for you.

When we start:


We open access to the cohort February 2022!


You will then be given resources to look over, ways to interact with the group, and more.


All calls will be on Fridays, with the first call being in Februrary.



Join the waitlist now to receive information first about pricing, bonuses, and more!
Bonuses will only be offered to those on the waitlist.

As of now bonuses include a free copy of Meg's new book, stickers, a funnel building workbook for Pinterest + Email, limited copies of TiredTok from Kendall, and limited 30 min intro calls with Meg to discuss your creativity/process.



what do you leave cd with:

  • A new community of people who see entrepreneurship like you do 

  • New knowledge about yourself and your creative process 

  • An understanding of what it takes to build your mental health into the foundation of your business

  • A Business Ecosystem blue print to help you create something that makese sense for you and your energy levels 

  • Meg's MisMarketing Guide ($97 value)

  • A complete walkthrough of MisMarketing that leaves you with the framework to create a marketing strategy that works for you

  • A blueprint to create a launching and backend system that works for your business

  • Access to all live calls, call recordings, and resources. 

  • Our never ending love!!!


Call descriptions + information


  • Call #1- Your Creative Process- What is your creative process? How does that interesect with your business? With the rest of your life? How can you use your creative proces to understand yourself better? Using the 5 Creative Process Types that Meg + Kendall have created, we discuss what your creative process means, how this affects your business, how this fits into the rest of your life, and more. This helps us set a good foundation for the rest of the program since we are able to learn more about how each of us creates things and how that approach fits into our business.

  • Call #2- Personal + Professional Values- Values are often referred to as standards or principles of behavior but they end up being so much more than that. Especially for those of us who feel deeply and view the world through a lens of low energy. Values are no longer just standards or principles but they are a part of the fabric of our daily lives and businesses. For this topic, we will be deep diving into personal and professional values, the importance of values, remaining committed to values across the board, how values can be used to manipulate/deceive in marketing, and more.

  • Call #3- Mental Health in EntrepreneurshipMental health is something that is talked a lot about in the online sphere but when we talk about it in entrepreneurship it often leads to a lot of "I see you but/and/or...". We often don't leave enough space for what mental health is truly like as an entrepreneur and how often things can fluctuate. Especially as low energy human beings. Throughout this call we will discuss how showing up for your business can be hard when you are struggling with your mental health, how nourishing ourselves and building time in for rest often looks different from person to person, and how a lot of mental health advice online are often blanket statements.​

  • Call #4- Intuitive Practices + CreativityIntuition and creativity are often interwoven and discussed together. But what is intuition really? And what does it have to do with creativity?This call is all about looking at what intuition really is, what intuition looks like as a low energy person, what creativity is, what creativity can be like as a low energy person, what intuition and creatvity have to do with one another, and learning to recognize and act on those feelings when possible.

  • Call #5- Ethics as a Socially Conscious Entrepreneur- There is often a lot of talk about ethics in entrepreneurship but we don't always have room for the full conversation. What does it look like to run an ethical business? What does it mean to practice harm reduction in entrepreneurship? What kind of language should we be using in our business? This call covers ethics in entrepreneurship, the pressure of running a business and wanting to do it right, why the full conversation is important and how we miss the mark with a lot of elusive talk online, what is harm reduction, what place harm reduction has in entrepreneurship, and what kinds of language we need to use to be clear and kind that falls within our scope of practice.

  • Call #6- Business Ecosystem Building- Business ecosystem building is something that is often referred to traditionally as a product suite or an offer suite. It is the products or services that you are offering to your community. But what does that look like when you have a lot of talents or passions? What does that look like as a low energy person? How do you build a business that supports you as an individual while also supporting your community? This call covers what a traditional product suite is and why we can create something different, creating offers that work for you and your community, honoring your energy as you build your business, and the trial and error process that is building a business.

  • Call #7- MisMarketing + Compassionate Marketing MethodsCompassionate marketing is something that Meg has been developing over the last few years and it is something that Kendall has had a heavy hand in helping her with! Marketing in the most traditional sense is how capitalism survives. So what does it look like to market in a way that feels really good and is kind? How do we create marketing that doesn't uphold oppression? These are the questions that compassionate marketing seeks to understand and hopefully answer. For this call you will receive Meg's MisMarketing guide and we will spend the call walking through compassionate marketing and how to create a strategy that works for you!​

  • Call #8- Launching + Backend Support- Why does the traditional launching method feel so hard for so many of us? Why doesn launching feel so draining? And what are all of the moving pieces of a launch? How do you create a backend that supports your business and your ability to launch offers? Especially if those offers don't have a lot to do with one another or don't look alike. This call aims to discuss why we launch in business, the ways we can approach launching, what the moving pieces are, the backend support you need in your business, and how to set all of that up. This call will be a little more instruction based after the launch component to help answer any questions you may have about systems, set-up, automations, etc. 

  • Call #9- Open Topics + Hot Seat Coaching


  • Call #10- Open Topics, Hot Seat Coaching + Celebrations


FAQ Section:

Are call recordings available?

Yes! All call recordings will be uploaded and shared in our Mighty Network cohort for you to view at your leisure. We keep the content available to you for an extended period of time after the cohort ends so you are able to fully grasp the information. 


Are payment plans available?

Yes! Payment plans are always an option for our programs. We offer 5 month, 10 month, and 12 month payment plans for the general option and our 1:1 option. If these options do not work for you please reach out to Meg at to make something work.


Who is the 1:1 upgrade for?

The 1:1 Upgrade is for anyone who isn’t looking for a solution to just be handed to them, but is excited to co-create one inside the program. This is a great blend of 1:1 support and grpup support. We created this option to help support the whole human in front of us which is why we included breathwork sessions, full Voxer access with Kendall to approach perfectionism in your business, and a month Voxer support with Meg to work on your backend systems, and individual sessions for you to use as you would like.

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Kendall Quick Facts:

✨former teacher

✨loves to write and blog

✨accidental low energy plant mom of tiktok

✨dog mom to max and buddy

✨enneagram and astrology nerd

✨therapy lover

✨recovering from extreme mental health low by disengaging from perfectionism and sharing insights with business community 

Meg Quick Facts:

✨former nanny for over 10 years

✨dog mom to Mo + Lena 

✨plant mom to over 30 plants

✨spiritual being

✨autistic, anxious, chronically ill, low energy human

✨lover of knick knacks + small things

✨recovering hard from hustle culture, grinding, and harmful marketing + sharing my journey

© 2022 by Kendall Barger LLC. Proudly created with

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