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A masterclass for creators who can’t hear

“just be consistent!”

one more time

Low energy entrepreneurs and creatives - if you post on social media and the typical advice or strategy of “best consistent!” or “keep showing up!” doesn’t feel helpful or available to you, or feels invalidating to your needs or your process, you are not alone.


My name is Kendall and I help tired content creators make social media functional for them. 




You’re not “bad” at social media if you don’t post consistently.


It doesn’t mean you don’t care about your content or your business if you can’t post consistently.


The consistency strategy, especially when not offered with any choice, flexibility, or sensitivity, can be deeply rooted in perfectionism and then it can activate perfectionism in you. (Which is not your fault nor is it a simple “mindset” issue we can all just say some affirmations to fix). 


There are countless reasons why it is a struggle for many low energy creatives to “be consistent” on social media (or in life).

Some of these reasons could be but not limited to - 

  • Mental illness

  • Chronic illness

  • Neurodivergence

  • Brain fog

  • Executive overwhelm or dysfunction 

  • Just having a creative process or flow that isn’t what the apps want

  • Lack of support systems

  • Anxiety with being seen online

  • Simply don’t want to 

Hi, I’m Kendall and I work with low energy creatives on their content creation process and capacities while being online, sharing their ideas + art. 


I’m here to let you know that the typical strategy we see offered for social media, business, and creativity is rooted in perfectionism and is set up to make you serve the strategy instead of having strategy serve you.


As someone with a background in teaching, this fixed approach to business and creating things does not make sense to me at all.


I want creatives like you to know and feel in their hearts that you’re enough and your needs aren’t too much.

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If you’re hearing me critique this classic pillar of traditional social media advice and you’re wondering “well that’s how these apps work…what is there to do instead?” (Totally valid thought).


My answer is…I don’t know. Because I believe your unique relationship to social media and creating things is extremely personal. I don’t have a one-size-fits-all alternative. 


I think your strategy and content creation flow should depend on your individual needs, your actual goals (not what you’re told your goals *should* be on social media), and how you naturally like to create things. 


Consistent posting might be a strategy in our “toolbox” of ideas for you - but no matter what, I’m not going to invalidate your reality and your needs and tell you to serve this social media strategy instead of designing one that serves you. 


If content creation strategy that doesn’t just keep telling you to “be consistent” would be helpful or supportive for you, join me in my workshop Content Creation Ideas Not Focused on Consistency.


I think you have something meaningful to share with the world.

Social media is one effective way of doing that.

So let’s use it in a way that doesn’t burn you out and validates your needs and creative process.


  1. To unpack why the “post consistently” narrative doesn’t land for many of us and why it may feel frustrating or overwhelming to see and hear over and over from strategists + coaches​

  2. To discuss social media + content creation strategies and processes that aren’t centered around or dependent on you posting consistently 

  3. To explore what a relationship to social media content + posting could look like for you based on your unique needs, goals, and creative flow 


  1. About Consistency 

    • How consistency is often talked about in social media strategy 

    • Reasons why consistency might feel unavailable, invalidating, or restrictive to you

    • Consistency and creatives

  2. Content Strategy Discussion 

    • Having a big picture perspective as a Content Creator

    • Planning ahead for energy lows

    • Practicing anti-perfect content strategy 

    • Tuning into your natural rhythms, creative process, and needs 

  3. Things to explore instead of consistency for improved content / engagement / creative flow:

  4. Q&A + Cooldown 

  5. Wrap Up Reminders + Ways We Can Keep Working Together



  • First Session: Tuesday, April 19th at 2pm Eastern 

  • Second Session: Monday, April 25th at 8pm Eastern 


  • Cost is $88 USD


  • Replay will be available to all that purchase a ticket for either session 


  • The workshop should run approximately 90 min total - 60 minutes for instruction and guidance, 30 minutes for Questions + Answers and cool down. 

  • Seats are limited each session to allow for a more intimate group and personal experience during the live sessions.


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sign up here:


By purchasing and attending this workshop you are consenting to the fact that the workshop will be recorded and shared as a replay and also as a masterclass available for purchase.


Please know that what you share on camera, off mute, and/or in the comment section will be seen not only by those on the zoom call during your session, but also by other folks beyond those who are in attendance with you at the live workshop.


If you have a question, comment, or concern that you need or want privacy for, please send me an email to maintain confidentiality. 

Statement of Scope and Competency:

I strive to hold space and offer strategy that is trauma-informed and inclusive of an individual’s lived experience and social identities. I have completed a trauma-informed space holding curriculum, am actively engaged in anti-racism study and work, and am deconstructing capitalistic standards and values in and out of my business. I want to make it clear that we do not guarantee an automatic safe space for you – I recognize that you are the decider of what feels safe and expansive for you. 


My intention is to allow you to access your internal safety as best you can in our current social climate through ample consent, choice, and clarity in our time together. I will remain in our scope of practice when engaging with you and our work together, and I will refer out to qualified individuals for more aligned support when necessary.

© 2022 by Kendall Barger LLC. Proudly created with

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